


$105 CAD

For the experienced Space Cadet, this is one giant leap for mushroom-kind.

What’s inside:

💊 Count: 20 vegan capsules

🍄 Psilocybe: 700mg per 2 capsules

⚡️ Ashwagandha: reduces anxiety and stress

🦁 Lion’s Mane: boosts cognitive health and improves heart health

😌 Ginger: improves digestion and prevents nausea

Trip itinerary:

  1. Small things are interesting

    Buttons and switches on your control panel look different. To press, or not to press, that is the question.

  2. G-force is real

    Gravity on the moon may be lighter, but the trip there is heavy. Until then, relax and enjoy the flight.

  3. Suit up, captain

    Oxygen: check. Floating objects: check. Spotify playlist: check. High-five your crewmates because you’ve made it to the moon.

Learn more about psilocybin, microdosing, and more at the Education Hub.


made to order, made for you

Start your Space Camp order today.